Funding the mission of deep roots and rich fruit in the Garden State.
As God’s family, we are called to give joyfully and generously to His mission, just as God has generously given us all things in Jesus. Help fund the mission of deep roots and rich fruit in the Garden State. Outside of our Sunday gatherings, here are a few ways to give to our mission.
By Mail
Any check made payable to "Cultivate Church" may be sent to:
Cultivate Church
c/o Finance Team
2303 E Evesham Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Automated Bank Giving
An easy way to set up reoccurring automated giving is through your bank's online bill payment feature (if offered). You can determine the parameters of how much and how often to give. Your automated giving will be added to our weekly offering. Since every bank is different, you'll have to check with yours to know how to set it up.
Online Giving
We also offer online giving through our online platform, Realm.
To give online click "Make a donation" below.